What You Can Expect From Us This Year In Q1 & Q2

What You Can Expect From Us This Year In Q1 & Q2

Hello BracketLifer’s and happy March! I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden we are three months into 2022. We have had such a busy start to the year, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to slow down at all. This week, I had planned on writing about Motorama and how we are SO close to the show, but like most other events in Canada right now, it has been postponed. But don’t worry, you’ll get to hear all about Motorama on the blog next month when we are getting ready for the show which will take place on April 29 to May 1.

As we close out the first quarter of the year this month, I thought it would be fun to share what we have planned for the next six months. Between a brand-new season of racing, apparel launches and BracketLife Broadcasts, there is always a lot going on over here. Although this month might seem quieter (as the racing season hasn’t started for us yet) we anticipate a big month for our BracketLife Broadcast. We are currently working to add additional value to the show, each and every week, so you’ll see a few new additions to the show in the coming weeks.

As we head into April and May, we shift gears back over to our apparel with a large focus on Motorama. We hope to get our apparel out in front of as many racers as possible through Motorama and will even be holding a Clearance Sale through our online website in April. By May, we will be starting our racing season off, and launching our new 2022 Apparel Collection. I won’t give any ideas on what it will entail, but let’s just say it’s my favourite collection we’ve ever launched to date.

Midway through Q2 or Q3 (we don’t have an exact launch date yet) we will be launching Brandon’s e-book. This is something we are SO excited about and will be the perfect guide for beginners in the sport. Brandon walks through all the basics of drag racing, making it easier for beginners to enter our sport. You can read more about his e-book here.

Then in June, Brandon and I will be headed down to Edmonton, Alberta for the week to compete at the Oil City Classics event at RAD Torque Raceway, where we finally get to meet our fellow Western Canadian racing friends! This will be the first time we’ve ever been to a racetrack in Western Canada, and we could not be more excited!

If all goes as planned, our first half of 2022 will be incredible! We are always working on new things, so who knows what the other half of 2022 will look like right now! We can confirm that we will be racing until October this year, but we will be sure to keep you updated as we go.

Thank you again for all your support, we couldn’t do it without you guys! Let us know below what you are most excited for in 2022!

Catch you next-next week, 

Rachel Barker

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