Finishing Off The Year With A Bang

Finishing Off The Year With A Bang

Hello and welcome back to the blog! It’s Brandon back again and I don’t know about you but it feels like ages since we last talked! 

So much has gone on I don’t know where to start. As I’m sure you’ve seen and heard, Rachel and I got married! So that has been a whirlwind getting through and why we have been a little absent the last couple weeks.

The wedding was unreal. It was so much more than I had expected. Rachel organized it all and planned the vendors, decorations, and everything else behind the scenes. We had the wedding at her parents race shop which was totally transformed into the best wedding venue we could have imagined.

So I wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate our day for all of the great support we have received. 

We got to spend a few days on a mini honeymoon after the wedding which was a great little getaway. We ate some great food and did a lot of fun activities we don’t usually get to try. 

Now since we have been gone we haven’t stopped going racing! We have been out twice since we last spoke and both were at Luskville. 

Neither weekend was very successful for Rachel or i with great finishes, but Daniel was able to get a win driving my dragster in the Saturday night shootout at the final Bracket Super Tour event of the year. 

Now after 3 of the busiest weeks I can remember we are preparing to hit the road for our final race of the year. We have loaded Rachel’s dragster in my trailer and the two of us are rolling to Grand Bend for the Bracket Finals event which we have our own 25 racers on the BracketLife Brand Team.

So wish us luck! We hope to finish the year off with a bang before we wind down and start our winter reset. 


See you next time, 

Brandon Barker

1 commentaire

  • CONGRATULATIONS ……. It was an amazing event.

    Paul Psaila

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