Busy Business

Brandon -

Busy Business

Welcome back to the BracketLife Blog with Brandon! This week I wanted to give you guys a bit of a business update and what we've been working on lately.

I'm not sure if I've shared this with you all before or not, but Rachel and I both graduated from business school. I went to Durham College and Rachel went to Western University. So naturally, it makes sense for us to be running a business together. But what we have both learned rather quickly over this past year, is that it does not matter how much schooling your have, where you went to school, or how well you did, school is not real life.

This past weekend, Rachel and I went to see her parents. Her mom (Vicki) has been helping us out a lot with our monthly bookkeeping tasks and filing our quarterly taxes. Let's just say that without her help, we would definitely be struggling to do it on our own! So with tax season approaching and our business growing, we really felt like it was time to start learning how to do our books ourselves – and I mean, who better to learn accounting from than someone with 30 years experience? Well, a few hours later and about a hundred questions asked, Vic taught me how to reconcile all our accounts for the month. It was no easy task, but I'm slowly getting more comfortable with our accounting program and monthly tasks.

On an entirely separate and more exciting note, we are beginning to sell certain Impact and Simpson racing products, and will be rolling out our online sales for fire suits shortly. These will be  the first products available on our online shop that we have not personally created ourselves. The best part about ordering these fire suits is that they can all be customized based on different SFI ratings, colours, and embroidery. All suits will come included with a BL logo on the arm or we can offer the large logo on the back (the same as my fire suit). I am very excited to take on these custom orders and can not wait to see BracketLife suits walking around the staging lanes.

Overall, it has been a complete whirlwind with preparation for a whole new line of BL products in production (two products of which we are launching next Wednesday), working on what seems like a million behind the scenes projects, and preparing for the race season.

Keep coming back for updates. We appreciate all of the support week after week from everyone who takes the time to read our blogs and keep up with us. We see all of you!


See you next time, 

Brandon Barker

3 commentaires

  • John – thanks for the support!

    Doug – yes sir we can get helmets! Just send me a message on Facebook!

    Brandon Barker
  • Enjoy reading your blogs, And your. Interview with Arnie Malcolm was well done.

    John Armstrong
  • Enjoying your blogs, good information. Will your Simpson line include helmets?

    Doug Heath

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