Creating Our Log Book
Hey guys welcome back to the blog! Brandon back here this week to introduce you to our brand-new Log Books! This is probably my favorite product we have put out to date. I was able to put the Log Book together based off the experience with other books and the knowledge I have gained recording my own on track information.
If you read the blog and don’t yet use a log book or aren’t a racer and have no idea what I’m talking about, then no problem I can fill in the blanks! Log Books are used in Bracket Racing to record information to better prepare yourself for future races, whether that is the next round, next weekend, or anytime you need to prove it when showing off how good you were on any given day. A great example of the usefulness of this, 2 years ago we were pulling into ICAR for a race weekend, and we were late getting to a gamblers race Friday night. We got up to the gate as they were halfway through round 1. I paid the entry and buyback at the gate, parked the truck, unloaded my dragster and got it warmed up, fueled and pulled in for round 2. Having a log book with all my information and notes from racing at ICAR I picked a delay and dial in I was confident in. Results were I had a .013 light and was dead on my dial in with a 7. I did not win the round but the point that I was able to put together a great run using only the information I had recorded in my Log Book was a great accomplishment and added a lot of confidence into my racing program and how I was recording data.
Our Log Book is a great tool for any racer to use across multiple forms of bracket racing, if you run 1/8 or ¼ mile, box or no box, have a nostalgia car from the 6o’s or the most updated brand-new dragster you can use these books to better your racing program.
The top of the log page has the run data, which is all the on-track information you can use. When you can look at the hard data. You can notice different trends in your cars on track performance as well as the trends you are creating such as your reaction time. A lot of this information you have from your time ticket and simple observations with your run.
Then you go into split times which is something I learnt from Scotty Richardson, arguably the best bracket racer ever. These are the intervals between the recorded times on a race track, 60’, 330’, 660’, 1000’ and 1320’. These intervals should always be similar run to run, and if these numbers start moving by a substantial amount you know where to look for issues on the track.
Opponent’s data is not usually focused on in other Log Books, but I think this will be greatly used to look back on to see how you set up for opponents of different speeds, and you can use this information to remind yourself of why you made a certain decision on track.
Finally, we are at the Weather aspect of the Log Book. Information here is more valuable the more you use it. You might not see a trend the first couple races out but over time you will be able to find the pattern of what type of weather changes impact your combination in which way.
There you have it! The BracketLife Brand Log Book is officially now on sale and I hope you find as much use in it as I hope that you can!
Catch you next time,
Brandon Barker